Tuesday, November 01, 2005

House Descriptions

1st House: Where we learn about our identity
Element: Fire - Energetic, courageous and passionate
Influenced by: Mars - Drive to action
House Sign: Aries - Initiative, impulse, dynamic action
1st House key words: Our body and personality, identity and sense of self, and self-expression

2nd house: Where we learn about how we feel about our self and self-worth
Element: Earth - Practical, skillful and down to earth
Influenced by: Venus - The desire to have or posses
House Sign: Taurus - Beauty and acquisition
2nd House Key Words: Personal possessions, self-esteem, ability to earn money

3rd House: Where we gain knowledge and learn to communicate
Element: Air - Intellectual, thoughtful and social
Influenced by: Mercury - Desire to learn and communicate
House Sign: Gemini - Curiosity and versatility
3rd House keywords: Knowledge, Short trips, Siblings, neighbors and the local environment

4th House: Where we build the foundations of our life, our home, our family and where we feel safe
Element: Water - Emotional, intuitive and romantic
Influenced by: The Moon - Intuition, receptivity, nourishment
House Sign: Cancer - Our emotions, our ability to feel close to and connect with others
4th House keywords: Home, family, security, foundations

5th house: Where we learn to express our creativity
Element: Fire - Energetic, courageous and passionate
Influenced by: The Sun - The life force or spirit and the energy to succeed
House Sign: Leo - Generosity and leadership
5th House keywords: Creativity, love, romance, children, enthusiasm and how we mange risk

6th House: Where we learn our daily responsibilities, how to care for our health and learn to be of service to others
Element: Earth - Practical, skillful and down to earth
Influenced by: Mercury - The drive to realize perfection
House Sign: Virgo - Discrimination, analysis and service to others
6th house keywords: Our occupation, daily work, health and service to others

7th house: Where we learn about our significant relationships and how to be good partners
Element: Air - Intellectual, thoughtful and social
Influenced by: Venus - The desire to interact
House Sign: Libra - Harmony, balance, arbitration and diplomacy
7th House keywords: Personal relationships, partnerships and those we are close to

8th House: Where learn intimacy, liberate our soul and transform our lives
Element: Water - Emotional, intuitive and romantic
Influenced by: Mars & Pluto - The drive for power
House Sign: Scorpio - Our passions, discipline and mastery of ourselves
8th House keywords: How we share, intimate relationships, transformation and self-knowledge

9th House: Where we transform our knowledge and beliefs into wisdom
Element: Fire - Energetic, courageous and passionate
Influenced by: Jupiter - The energy to grow and expand
House Sign: Sagittarius - Optimism and expansiveness
9th House keywords: Spirit, religion, philosophy, higher education, movement and travel

10thHouse: Where we learn to live our purpose in this world
Element: Earth - Practical, skillful and down to earth
Influenced by: Saturn - Control, rules and applications
House Sign: Capricorn - Practicality, caution and ambition
10th House keywords: Career, reputation, worldly achievement and our role in society

11th house: Where we learn to work with others to achieve our goals
Element: Air - Intellectual, thoughtful and social
Influenced by: Uranus & Saturn/ The energy to reshape and change
House Sign: Aquarius - Originality, rebellion and humanity
11th House keywords: Teamwork, groups and organizations, friends and community

12th House: Where we learn grow our spirit and the mystical dimensions of our soul
Element: Water - Emotional, intuitive and romantic
Influenced by: Neptune & Jupiter - Spiritual Growth
House Sign: Pisces - Imagination, sensitivity and compassion
12th House keywords: What is normally hidden, matters of spirit, spiritual growth, mystical experiences

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