Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Lunar Mansion Descriptions

Lunar Mansion Descriptions
The Lunar mansion feature prominently in some of the earliest forms of astrology. The ancient Chinese, Arabian, Middle Eastern and Egyptians all gave the Moon and its travels through the heavens special prominence in their study of astrology. By dividing the course of the Moon in 28 Lunar Mansions we are able to discern subtle and very useful energies that can support our path in this life time. The Moon moves through each Lunar Mansion at approximately one Mansion, or 12 degrees 51 minutes per day.

By combing the energies of the current Lunar phase with the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the 12 Goddess', the four elements and the 12 houses the Lunar Mansions can help us zero in on the power of the cycles of life on this planet.

Mansion 1: Volcano
Ancient Name: Almach / The Horn of Aries
Influenced by: Mars and the Sun

Like a volcano about to explode or a runner coiled up in the starting blocks waiting for the sound of the starters pistol. The runner allows her energy to build and her focus to sharpen for that one explosive moment of release. The Raw primal energy of Mars combines with heat of the Sun in a creative pressure cooker waiting for a release of nuclear proportions. Release of this energy in an inspired or creative manner will avoid any potential "meltdown".

Mansion 2: Musician
Ancient Name: Albothaim / The belly of Aries
Influenced by: the Sun and Jupiter

The bright light of Sun strengthens your creative drive and when combined with the powerful expansive energy of Jupiter there will be no stopping you. The canvas will seem to paint itself or your fingers easily master those piano sonatas. Your creative energies and power of the Divine or in complete harmony. If you have the courage to reach for that brass ring, more than likely it will be there waiting for you.

Mansion: Palace
Ancient Name: Ascorija / The Showering
Influenced by: Jupiter and Venus

The power of Jupiter and its expansiveness here combines with passion of earthly pleasures of Venus. Choose to take pleasure in living the good life as you define it, especially in more earthy or material pursuits and you will have a great and memorable time. With Jupiter’s tendency to increase the power of all that you do if you push the pleasure machine to far too much may turn out to be just that. TOO MUCH!

Mansion 4: Stone
Ancient Name: Alderbarab / The Eye of Head of Taurus
Influenced by: Mercury and Saturn

Here we have quickness combined with slower more rule oriented energy. This can create a focus on the tried and true or the attitude "This is the way it has always been done". Using the quickness and creativity of Mercury you will need to discern whether to travel down the same road you are used to or the one "less traveled". In this case tradition will probably rule the day.

Mansion 5: Wheel
Ancient Name: Aluxer / The Body of Taurus
Influenced by: Saturn and Mercury

Are you in the inner circle? Can you get an invitation? You may well want to at this time. This is a mansion of networking and connecting with others. Your ideas will find more support if you gain the backing of those in positions of respect or authority. Places to go, people to see (and talk to), well, you get the idea.

Mansion 6: Bridge
Ancient Name: The little star of the Great Light
Influenced by: Mercury and Venus

More than just connecting with others you will want to build consensus. Try looking beyond the more obvious differences and seek a more unifying connection. By seeking to walk in the shoes of another you may wish to freely offer your own shoes for others to walk in as well. Honoring differences will build diversity which will lead to powerful new ideas that spring from the energy that union creates. This embracing quality of the higher mind can be the bridge between all that divides us.

Mansion 7: Visitor
Ancient Name: Aldyaras / The Arm of Gemini
Influenced by: Venus and Uranus

Expect the unusual or out of the ordinary occurrences. Think and look for the synchronicity happening all around you. New people will come into your life and offer love or support at the most odd and perhaps weird moments. The people themselves might feel foreign almost alien to you. Maybe even an old rival will be there to help you just in the "nick" of time. Look to your energies of compassion to compensate if you have a tendency towards snap judgments.

Mansion 8: Knight
Ancient Name: Amathura / Clouded or Mist Filled
Influenced by: The Moon and Pluto

The trumpet sounds as the people begin to call for their champion. Hello? Knock-Knock! That champion is you! Do you remember? The energy of great power combine with immense compassion and you will feel this energy flowing through you. Reaching out in support of others even if it is a bit risky personally for you will bring not only great change for those you help but great satisfaction for you as well.

Mansion 9: Pitcher
Ancient name: Atars / Eye of the Lion)
Influenced by: Pluto and Neptune

Two shots of the free flowing emotions of the water sign of Cancer, shaken together with a jigger of the intuition and imagination of Neptune, squeeze in a generous amount the idealism of Uranus, warm over low heat and serve. This is truly a strange brew. Your ability to sense the feelings and thoughts of others and provide accurate and spontaneous solutions for them may cause them to ask "What have you been drinking?". Don't let that stop you. Others will be healed by your insight.

Mansion 10: Fountain
Ancient Name: Algelba / The neck of Forehead of Leo
Influenced by: Neptune and the Sun

The drive to create combines with expanded capacity towards imagination and visions. The gift here is the opportunity to make what you see and discover in your inner visions into a Divine creative expression, to be joyfully shared with others, in this physical world. This ability will be so profound that others may instantly see it in you. The challenge is to allow yourself the freedom and grace to see it in yourself. Seeing yourself in this way will cause a great river of creativity to flow outward from its source. You will have become this source of inspiration and creativity.

Mansion 11: Fortuna
Ancient Name: Azorbe / The Hair of the Lion’s Head
Influenced by: The Sun and Jupiter

The bright and intense creative power of the Sun is further expanded by the presence of Jupiter. This can be a time of great material success. Asking for a raise or making a positive move in your investments will have extra support. Perhaps that book or painting you have just finished will find a generous publisher or buyer. The cosmic dice will roll in your favor and they will be $ - $, double dollar signs.

Mansion 12: The Fall
Ancient Name: Alzarfa / The Tail of Leo
Influenced by: Mars and Mercury

Care to go 100 mph with your hair on fire? Extremely quick thinking joins forces with raw impulsive power. Your mind will race and your heart will pound and you will, . . ? This moon is asking you to think clearly and act with power and wisdom. By hanging onto the tail of the lion you will quickly be taken where you wish to go. (Possibly being dragged through the underbrush in the process). The trick here is in knowing when to let go of the tail and not get bit by the lion.

Mansion 13: Altar
Ancient Name: Alalma / The Dog Stars, The Wings of Virgo
Influenced by: Mercury and Saturn

Sometimes following the conventional wisdom is the best course of action. Staying in the groove of what is tried and true may feel uncomfortable at the moment but it will prove to be the surest route to success at this time. The ideas or recommendations of elders, especially bosses, of what you should be doing will have an uncanny ring of truth in them. The lack of opportunity for going you own way may make you feel a bit blue, but it will pass. The success that comes from doing what works should heal any wounds to your creative side.

Mansion 14: Scepter
Ancient Name: Azimel – The Spike of Virgo
Influenced by Jupiter and Venus

Isn’t great when we are standing center stage when the spot light turns on and all eyes are on fixed in our direction. Unless you want this to be just your 15 minutes of fame you will have some work to do. This is a time of careful planning and forethought. Taking time alone to think through what you really want, making concrete plans and developing the inner strength to put those plans into action will serve your long term desire for success and the recognition that comes with it. Careful planning will keep the spot light from turning off in the middle of your acceptance speech.

Mansion 15: Bouquet
Ancient Name: Algalia – The Lid or Cover
Influenced by Venus and Uranus

Unexpected passion is knocking on your door. This will most likely be in the form of a new and intense personal relationship but could also be a new found passion for a new project such as gardening or other “earthy” pursuit. The power, passion and unexpected nature of the experience could knock you off balance or send you in a direction that in the end may not be as beneficial as it seemed at the start. Stay centered and breathe. Enjoy the passion as it moves through you. But use your inner wisdom to determine if any new direction in your life is in keeping with soul’s path in this life.

Mansion 16: Door
Ancient Name: Alcibene – The Claws of Scorpio
Influenced by Uranus and Mercury

Vanilla or Chocolate pistachio mousse? Choose now! A new way is opening up for you. Rich with potential but unexpected and unexplored territories also involve risk. Use your quick mind and inner wisdom to weigh your choices carefully. Do you stick with your current situation (Vanilla) and its predictable and possibly boring results? What about this new path? (Chocolate pistachio mousse) Its potential is so clear you can almost taste it can’t you? To move forward in this situation will likely mean stepping into this new uncharted path that is opening up to you know. Be sure to bring your spoon and plenty of napkins when you step through this door.

Mansion 17: Sword
Ancient Name: Archil / The Crown of Scorpio
Influenced by Mercury and Pluto

Judgments will be swift and powerful here. Your thinking will be crystal clear, your keen insight will have explosive power and your words will slash through confusion like Excalibur. Will you use your gifts here to serve others and the common good or will the rush to judgment wreak havoc on you and those around you? You will want to speak quickly and your words though well thought out, will have added power and sharpness to them. The abruptness and power may cause others to feel afraid of you rather than rally to the obvious righteousness of your cause.

Mansion 18: Sacrifice
Ancient Name: Alchalb – The Heart of Scorpio
Influenced by: Pluto and Neptune

How important is your goal? How much of yourself are you willing to sacrifice to be successful? The opportunity presented to you at this time indicates that a willingness to be ruthless in your honesty with your self combine with total surrender in pursuit of your goal will bring you the results you seek. Playing the martyr here will not be the level of selfless surrender the situation calls for. An attitude of genuineness and honesty will serve you better here that putting on a show.

Mansion 19: Two Paths
Ancient Name: Axala – The Tail of Scorpio
Influenced by The Moon and Jupiter

Two similar paths lead towards the horizon and you must choose between them. At the moment they both seem quite similar but your gut tells you that they lead to very different ends. Here the Moon in Jupiter will enhance your intuition and foresight. Perhaps a vision quest is in order here. Try visualizing the eventual outcomes of these two paths will give you a sense of surety now. One you have decided, be bold in moving towards whichever direction you choose.

Mansion 20: Precipice
Ancient Name: Abanahaya – A Beam
Influenced by Jupiter and Mars

Confidence abounds here combined with a drive to impulsive action. New and unfamiliar directions in your life will have extra power and influence at this time. In all likelihood you feel an unusual sense of “I know exactly what I am doing” here even though to others it will appear that you don’t have a clue as to what is going on. You will be convinced you are acting with the wisdom of a sage and the power of a great warrior when in fact your actions will prove to neither of these qualities. Be wise enough to know here that you don’t know. Seek guidance form those elders you trust.

Mansion 21: Duel
Ancient Name: Albelda / The Desert
Influenced by Mars and the Sun

The Power and energy of Mars (The younger) asserts itself against the power and energy of the Sun (The Elder). Time to stand up for your self in the midst of elders, old perhaps out-dated ideas or outmoded traditions. You would be wise to remember the old adage: “Old ways die hard”. Your new ideas or methods may seem the obvious choice to you, but bosses and elders are likely to feel challenged to the point of seeing you as an aggressor, even a usurper. You will feel the “heat” if you choose to stand your ground.

Mansion 22: Wedding
Ancient Name: Caaldalbala / A Pastor
Influenced by Saturn and Venus

Observing traditional ways and practices that served our elders so well will serve you at this time too. There is a time to act “outside of the box” and this is not this time. When we show reverence for time honored traditions or social conventions we can do a lot towards healing the past and make the transition to new ideas smoother and less challenging. Our elders and their ways of doing things deserve our respect for getting us to the place where we now stand. This healing is necessary before we can move and create in a new way.

Mansion 23: Confession
Ancient Name: Caaldelbolab / Swallowing
Influenced by: Venus and Mercury

Secrets could be revealed here that may be challenging. This is a time to when you may feel inclined to reveal your deepest secrets to another with a listening heart and a soft shoulder. You may reveal questions you have that are of a deep emotional nature and if you’re not careful these words mat slip out in front of virtual strangers. (Water coolers will sprout “ears” at this time) If you feel the need to have a “heart to heart” have the patience to do it only in the presence of those who genuinely have your best interests at heart. Otherwise, your secrets may make you “famous”.

Mansion 24: Mask
Ancient Name: Caadachot – The Wretched of the Wretched
Influenced by: Mercury and Uranus

That which is superficial often hides a deeper truth. Sometimes our fears cause us to try and hide and protect what most needs to see the light of day. Our divine self is always more beautiful than anything we can contrive to cover it up with. What does the look of the mask we may choose to wear at this time reveal about where we need to grow? What do the masks of others tell us about where they want to be healed? With compassion we can look deeper, beyond any mask or protective covering without doing harm to others or ourselves.

Mansion 25: Rebel
Ancient Name: Caalda / Butterfly
Influenced by: Uranus and Mercury

Thinking outside of the box is one thing, but can you live there? Are you willing to smash all conventional ideas and modes of expression? The genius of this time will inspire you to new heights of inspiration and creative expression. Those around you may appear to be “upside down” in their old ways. Of course to them you are the one who is exhibiting some unusual topsy-turvy behavior of your own. In fact for your ideas to be successful you may need to move beyond even your own, already quite expanded, comfort zone.

Mansion 26: Prisoner
Ancient Name: Algafarmuth / The First Drawing of the Water
Influenced by: Venus and Neptune

Feeling a bit bottled up? Your emotions may trapped in a prison of your own making. This is a time to be true to your self and with others around you. To break free of that which you feel is constraining you will have to have courage to see that your freedom has always been at your feet. The doorway has already been opened for quite some time and is waiting your arrival. Turn on the lights, break free from your self created bonds and dance in the sunlight. New life awaits you!

Mansion 27: Guru
Ancient Name: Algarfermuth / The Second Drawing of the Water
Influenced by: Neptune and the Moon

Whew! Time for a “time out”. Not punishment for being bad but rather a time for reflection and contemplation. Give yourself the creative freedom to allow the usually hard and fast line between reality and fantasy dissolve into no-thing-ness. See what energies and ideas spring to life in this most fertile of grounds. You imagination can soar with newfound wings if you will just allow it. Ideas and projects that are born of this quiet time will have an inventive and uniquely successful energy to them.

Mansion 28: Sleeper
Ancient Name: Anaxhe / The Belly of the Fish
Influenced by: The Moon and Pluto

This time represents the end of a great cycle. It is a time of dormancy and inactivity. Above all else it is a time for rest. Take the time to turn off the TV and telephone. (Yes cell phones, pagers and Blackberrys) Draw a bath, make your favorite tea and sleep. Allow yourself to dream. No rules, no restrictions, no directions a complete freefall into all things that your life could be. Or perhaps, should be? Sleep. You are safe. Dream freely your self into the approaching newness.

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